The Still

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A missing piece of the wellness puzzle

The more time I spend dedicated to my own healing and liberation, and to the people in The Still Community, the more I realise one of the mis-takes we so often make when it comes to our wellbeing.

The way I see it, the mis-take is attempting to heal, evolve, reach new mental-emotional-spiritual heights, in isolation. Trying to white-knuckle our way through limiting beliefs, challenging periods, mental-physical health challenges, in absence of community and mentorship.

Most of the most profound shifts in my inner world that I've experienced to date, have been in communion with other humans.

In moments where I have felt truly seen and understood. 

I'd love to share a snippet of what's available to you once you take a course in Vedic Meditation with The Still, that satisfies our very primal human desire for connection with other humans.

Weekly (free) Group Meditations are one of the many ways in which ongoing support is available to you, once you attend a Vedic Meditation course. ⁣

During these Wednesday evening sessions we meditate together for 20 minutes as a group, and then have conversation, questions and share experiences (and drink lovely cups of tea ☕️)⁣. These sessions take place in on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and online via Zoom.

The conversation differs every week. Some weeks we get into the nuts and bolts of meditation, how it works and why we have the experiences we do with eyes closed. We talk about our meditation wins (like responding differently in a usually triggering situation, sleep improving, feeling more motivated to get things done). Other weeks we talk about lifestyle practices that can support our mental & physical health goals. Other weeks we talk about things like changing our habits around suppressing or distracting from our emotions, how meditation helps us to become more aware of our quirks and habits and the ways we’ve been practicing new ways of responding to past triggers.

Ultimately, what we do is come together, as a group of humans, and discuss the human experience. We draw inspiration, support and validation from one another.

We are seen by one another. ⁣

This experience is truly priceless. We don’t have enough of these spaces and yet they are the spaces that so often help us to come back to ourselves and feel more whole. ⁣

Keen for more shared experiences with awesome humans?

We’d love for you to join our community. ⁣

There's a couple of ways to get started.

You can sign up for a Free Learn to Meditate Intro Talk (info session) to hear some of Caroline's journey, find out what Vedic Meditation is all about and how it can support you.

If you can't make any of the Free Intro Talks, book a free call with Caroline for a quick run down and to have all your questions answered.

All calls are free of charge and obligation. 🤍