Reclaim your relaxed state.

Before I learnt Vedic meditation back in 2017, if someone had told me that relaxation was my natural state, I may have rolled my eyes and written them off as a bit of a hippy. My state was anything but relaxed. I was anxious, stress, tired and stuck in my thoughts, all of the time. I imagine that you can relate, to an extent.

I've come to learn through my own experience and with the great honour of being a Vedic meditation teacher, that this statement is indeed the truth. Relaxation is our natural state. Stress is a common state that we have normalised, but it's not normal. Stress is correctly defined as a physiological imbalance or abnormality. Our natural state as human beings, is the state of Being. A state of restful alertness, where we have access to the full range of our mental potential, with a relaxed body and nervous system.

The state of Being is the deeper truth of who we are. We are not our thoughts, we are not our body sensations, or the imprints left behind by past experiences. We are the state of pure awareness we access when practicing Vedic meditation.

Beyond sheer enjoyment and mental relief (reason enough!) , there is incredible significance to giving ourselves the experience of relaxation on a daily basis. As humans, we are healing machines. The human body is designed to heal, detox, repair and recover from stress. However, we must give the body deep rest in order for it to kick in to healing mode and rid itself of imbalances.

This is where many of us get stuck. We are so busy doing - doing - doing, there's not much space left for rest. When we do rest, there's such a backlog of stress onboard for the body to process, that even our rest doesn't feel that restful. This is where Vedic meditation proves the most valuable investment one can make, in my opinion and that of countless Vedic meditators I've personally had this conversation with. When life is demanding, we need an efficient way of countering all our activity with the level of rest and relaxation the body requires to function optimally.

Vedic meditation is an ancient practice that has been demonstrated through Western science to be more restful than sleep. This makes Vedic meditation a deeply healing practice for the mind-body. With every meditation, the body rests at profoundly deep levels, allowing the body to kick into healing mode and do what it was designed for by nature.

We will always have the experience of getting stressed - it's biologically wired in us for our survival. However, we're designed to get stressed and then recover easily, not to stay stressed chronically. Having a daily practice of deeply relaxing, means we can flexibly move in and out of a stress response, without getting stuck there.

If you're someone that struggles to relax and wants to discover an easy, enjoyable way to do so, I would love to share this simple meditation technique with you. Learning this practice is something you'll look back and thank your past self for, with daily commitment it changes the lives of those who practice on all levels. Get in touch to learn more and see my upcoming scheduled courses here.


The most valuable investment


Your desires are self-less, not selfish