The world needs your uniqueness

You are on earth at this time to experience peace, to re-member your innate worth and to share your unique gifts with the world.

Your gift might be your deep yearning to raise your child with unconditional love, honouring their own unique expression. It might be the way you engage with your craft. It may be the unique way you inspire, lead, or support your team. It might be your ability to flow effortlessly with the tides of change, demonstrating to the world that there is a way to exist outside of struggle.

Nature loves diversity. From the Vedic perspective, the entire universe manifested to experience the joy of unity. For there to be unity, there must be more than one.

You are not here to compare yourself to others and try to be more like their uniqueness. You’re not here to measure your success by someone else’s benchmark. You’re not here to be told how to think or what to feel. You’re here to be you.

The world needs you to dissolve all that exists between you and a life lived in devotion to your uniqueness.

As the depth of your commitment to your natural state grows, nature will deepen her support of you. It took many days and nights, many moons to birth you in all your uniqueness. To the extent you resist your unique design, you’ll feel friction and a lack of wholeness in life. To the extent you embody your embrace design, you’ll feel held and infinitely resourced.

There are infinite ways to do so.

I searched for ways to dissolve the barriers to loving my unique self for many, many years.

Then, I found Vedic meditation. Vedic meditation has facilitated the return to my unique self. The same is true for many of those I have taught to meditate. 

Starting is simple. Attend a free intro talk and learn about the Vedic meditation technique and the benefits you'll experience as a meditator. Attend a 4-session course. You’ll feel more like yourself from the very first meditation and be a completely self-sufficient and confident meditator by the end of the fourth session. From there, you’ll have lifetime support with your meditation practice from me, and lifetime access to a worldwide community of meditators, all unique, and all united in our desire to experience life with less stress and more joy.

Writing by Caroline Birch, inspired by the work of Peta Kelly.


Living an intuition-led life


Consciousness Creates Limitations